Family Relationship Counselling

Calm Connections

Family Therapy in Dubbo

Also servicing Parkes & Surrounds

Reach Resolution & Peace

At Clarity Family Therapy, Ruth is dedicated to helping families find resolution and harmony so they can build stronger relationships and create a more peaceful home environment. Family therapy sessions provide a safe space for families to express their feelings and concerns and learn communication and problem-solving skills. 

I have a special interest in helping families identify and address underlying patterns of behaviour that may be causing conflict, encouraging healthy communication and understanding between family members. Every family is unique, and I take the time to create a tailored plan for each family, depending on their individual needs. I strive to ensure that our family therapy is confidential, non-judgemental and friendly so that all involved can feel comfortable expressing themselves openly.

Call 0427 463 401 to find out more or visit the booking page. I proudly offer family therapy in Dubbo, Parkes, Cumnock and surrounding areas.

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How It Works

Extended family conflicts need careful negotiation for resolution and calm connections. Whole family conflicts are addressed with two family members at a time. This ensures composure and creates a basis for full understanding.

Structure is at least 30 minutes separately first, then time together with another family member for reflective listening and collaboration.

Specifics: intergenerational disputes over business, communication breakdowns, succession planning, family businesses, conflicts and emotional intimacy. 


Family Relationship Counselling

$185 hour

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does family counselling work?

    Family counselling typically involves a trained counsellor working with all members of the family in order to identify problems within the family dynamic, explore underlying issues and foster more effective communication. It is a collaborative process in which the counsellor works to facilitate open dialogue between family members, help them identify their strengths and weaknesses and work towards conflict resolution.

  • Who can benefit from family therapy?

    Anyone who wants to strengthen relationships within their family unit can benefit from family therapy. This could include couples, parents and children, siblings, extended families, or any combination of these. Family therapy can help all members of the family develop healthier communication patterns and work together towards common goals.

  • How many sessions of family counselling will I need?

    The number of sessions required will depend on each family’s individual needs and goals. Generally, attending at least a handful of sessions is recommended to gain an understanding of the issues at play and begin building healthier relationships. However, this may vary depending on the complexity of the situation.

  • Is family therapy confidential?

    Yes, all sessions are completely confidential. Clarity Family Therapy abides by the strictest privacy and confidentiality protocols to ensure every client’s information is safe and secure. I am committed to providing a safe environment in which all members of the family can freely express themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

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Why Invest in Family Therapy?

Investing in family therapy can provide a range of benefits for couples, families and individuals. It is an effective way to build strong relationships with one another, improve communication between family members, resolve conflicts and develop problem-solving skills.


Clarity Family Therapy believes that family relationship counselling can help create long-lasting changes in behaviour, communication and understanding within the family unit, which leads to more harmonious relationships. I aim to equip couples and families with tools to create meaningful connections and support each other through life’s ups and downs. 


If you're ready to start building stronger relationships with your family, contact Ruth Simmons today.

Contact Ruth

Offering Individuals Counselling

You may need to talk to Ruth about your relationship and other stressors or concerns on your own. Ruth offers a caring, non-judgemental, calm space to talk things through. You can have your own time and space to work through matters causing mental pain. This time does not have to involve other family members or partners. Enjoy the privacy to build your confidence and self-esteem.

Book your individual counselling appointment today.

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